Mindful Moments - See Yourself As A Tree & Learn To Let It Go


Hello Soulful Being -

I hope this message finds you well and happy!!!

Everything is always happening for our greatest good. Challenges happen for our greatest growth. If we can recognize this in the moment and let it go, we can create more joy throughout our days.

I love Autumn because it teaches us SO much! Allow yourself to look at a tree. Truly see the tree for what it is. Can you recognize that the tree is a symbol of you? Can you see how mirroring the tree’s natural process can benefit you? Maybe you can, maybe you are not at that point yet. Where ever you are is A-OK. Let’s deep dive into this for a minute.

Everything that we see is symbolism. Everyone and everything that we come into contact with is teaching us, always. The key is to awaken to this truth. To truly feel how everything is placed around us for our greatest good.

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Explore your outside world. Spend mindful time observing the space around you. If you are inside, take a step into nature and catch sight of a beauty tree, any tree that you are drawn too. This tree can also stand tall in your imagination. The tree who was once lush with greenery, abundant with leaves and beautifully full. This tree is now going through a metamorphosis- an internal change. The equinox has changed and this allows for the green leaves to shape, shift and change color. These colors are rich, so beautiful and pure. And… the process to get this way is 100% natural. There is no force. There is no push. There is no pretend. The tree does not spray paint itself another color. It just is.

You my friend are the tree. You are absolutely perfect. Right now. In this moment and in every moment to come. Allow your leaves to change colors, to transform into what they were always destined to be. Allow nature to shift something within you internally.

Just as the tree’s leaves change hues and create beautiful foliage, there is a time when the leaves will gently fall to the ground. This is another time of transformation, another opportunity to let go and allow the change to take place. The leaf is not scared of its fall, it is not premeditating how it may hurt or feel alone on its journey down to the ground. It just is.

The same is true for you. Allow yourself to let go of the parts of you that no longer serve you. Allow those parts to drift to the ground. Allow it to be absorbed by your roots. Allow for a new beginning to begin again. Allow for what no longer serves you to birth life to a brand new beginning.

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This is how a tree lives its life. It allows. It trusts in the journey. It trusts in its surroundings. It stays rooted, grounded and strong in its foundation. It holds its top up, connected to the sky, the moon and the sun.

Live your days like this.

Yes, there will be times of confusion. Of challenge. Of misunderstanding. Of fear.

It is within those moment that you gently bring yourself back to this teaching. We are just as much a part of nature as the tree. We are just as much in the same cycle as the tree is.

See it for what it is.

There is a time to be full. There is a time to let go. There is a time to birth again. There is a time to rest. There is a time to be. There is a time to change. There is a time to grow. There is a time to shift. There is a time to fall.

There is a time for everything.

Be patient with yourself. Be patient with your natural time line. It is all unfolding for a specific purpose.

May you breathe into this. May you be reminded of this throughout your days.

Sending love and light,

Alexa Katherine

If you are interested in taking a soul dive. If you are eager to add joy into your days. If you believe there is another way that differs from how you are living life now, then schedule a complimentary soul session with me. I am here to help YOU. I am here to support YOU. I am here to show YOU how freaking awesome you are!

Please send me an email at alexa@aoksoulcoach.com to schedule your session today!

***The beauty photos are captured by Shaina Lee Photography ***