Mindful Moments- What is life coaching with AOK Soul Coach?

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Greetings Soul Travelers- 

I hope this message finds you well and HAPPY! :)

As you know, I am the owner and founder of AOK Soul Coach. My mission is to gently guide and awaken my clients, my community and ultimately- myself,  to the state of love. To help us all recognize that we are all in this together, all connected and all equal. 

AOK Soul Coach aims at helping both men and women who are committed to self-growth, who recognize their fears and are honest about how to use their unique challenges for their greatest transformation.

Does this sound like it could be you? 

Through our partnership, you will learn and uncover more about yourself, as it relates to your "who", who you are at your core, what your values/passions are and how to relate better to yourself and the world around you. 

The relationship you have with yourself is where it all begins, literally.

As within, so without. 

Each coaching relationship is unique and specifically catered to YOU! 

You still may be thinking, okay I am still not 100% sure what she means. What is a life coach? Is she going to do my laundry or organize my day to day schedule... not exactly. We are going to go much deeper than that, the deeper we go, the more awareness we gather.  

Some of my guided partnerships have experienced these themes woven into the coaching relationship: 

  1. Intuitive coaching with a focus on law of attraction & manifestation 

  2. Gently guided by asking open ended questions, sound boarding off your thoughts and conversations with yourself/the universe (it is all connected!) 

  3. Increase of joy and positive energy

  4. Full presence - 100% undivided attention centered around YOU

  5. Education on holistic healing practices 

  6. Transforming darkness (pain points, sadness, fear) into LOVE, LIGHT and PURPOSE

  7. Partner to help create journal prompts, self-care techniques, breathing practices and any other awareness activity catered to your needs. 

  8. FUN- we will laugh and celebrate through the ups and downs of life on this beautiful Earth! 

  9. Space- The space to sit with your thoughts, to feel them and see what comes up for you in between questions/conversation. Silence can be a golden tool. 

  10. There is no judgement, ever. You are safe. Your feelings are safe and you are free to openly share, always. 

Again, you will uncover your own unique values and shifts when you engage in this partnership. It is oh so exciting to learn more about yourself and this life! 

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How will your life change as a result of our partnership? 

Your soul relationship, the relationship you have with yourself will change (if YOU want it to, remember you are the one that does the real work, creates the real shifts, YOU have to want this!). We will partner together to discover your greater purpose, deepen your self awareness, hear your inner voice and heal your external relationships. 

There is truly nothing more important than the relationship that you have with yourself. This new found awareness will shift your relationships with your significant other, your parents, sisters/brothers, friends, co-workers, strangers... the list goes on and on. 

What is the ultimate vision of AOK Soul Coach? 

AOK Soul Coach brings together the vision of oneness, unity and love for one another regardless of our differences. The coaching partnership teaches you to BE kindness, BE Love & BE Truth. This love & energy will be reflected within you and each being you come into contact with will FEEL it.

We are here to raise the collective consciousness, one soul at a time. 

What is the story behind AOK Soul Coach? 

There is no better time than the present to engage in this partnership, remember if you are reading these words... you are drawn here for a specific reason - Be Here Now ...thank you Ram Dass! This is an opportune time in your personal life and also, in society to spread love, light and awareness to our greater communities. 

I believe we are all equal and can (will) awaken to our best selves- to create our best lives! 

AOK Soul Coach is in existence because holistic approaches and acknowledging our thoughts & feelings and learning from them (=coaching!) is VITAL in today's day and age. 

So here we are my friend, you have been engrossed thus far. Follow your intuition, does this sound like it may resonate with you? Are you looking for another way to live this life? Let's do this together. I am here for you, always. 

Please feel free to give me a call to schedule your free consultation call. The monthly price for coaching is $444 for (3) 45 minute sessions. We can talk more about what YOU will get out of the coaching relationship during our time together.

The only true way to find out how coaching will shift your life, is to jump in! 

Be Here Now <3

Sending love, light and blessings 
