Mindful Moments- Where do I fit into AOK Soul Coach & what is the Soul Stories series?


Hello Lovely Souls-

How is this SPRING week treating you? We are here friends! The trees are blooming, the grass is greener and the flowers are coming out to play. Take a look around you, nature is a reflection of what is going on within us. What are you blossoming?

AOK Soul Coach has planted many seeds over the last few months. These seeds have been in the form of blog posts, photos posted to social media, conversations with strangers and coaching sessions with clients, just to name of few! All of these wonderful life moments have allowed for the next phase in the journey.

The reveal of a new concept called AOK Soul Coach - Soul Stories!!!

The idea behind Soul Stories stems from the awareness that the true purpose of AOK Soul Coach, is to showcase YOU! Soul Stories is a weekly blog and social media series. Each week a beautiful soul's story will be featured. These stories will be from clients, family members, friends, co-workers, strangers, like minded folks and lovely beings from all aspects of life - living all across the globe.

Each week, a soul story will be shared and it will be connected to an aspect of soul coaching, life, the purpose of it all, love and connection. The stories will be told through the art of photography and the beauty of words.

Each person will be asked a question or series of questions as it pertains to their life's experience, greater awareness and love, always love. 

We are here to learn from each other. We are here to connect, to interact and to ask one another powerful questions. We are here to inquire about each other's backgrounds, cultures and communities. We are here to help each other and allow for one another's voice to be heard. We are here to speak our truth. 

We are all in school, Earth school. It doesn't matter your age, gender, degree, income - Simply being alive on this Earth, means we are in school. Period, plain and simple. While in school, we  learn the most from our surrounding community. Think back to when you were in grade school? Where did you learn most from? Our friends, teachers, guidance counselors, family members, mentors... other souls. This is the key, we truly learn from one another. 

The intention behind the Soul Stories series is as follows: 

  1. To provide a safe space for sharing. 

  2. To ask the questions featured in the blog series to ourselves inwardly, to speak to our family members, our friends, to strangers about these questions, to learn about their values and beliefs. ASK the questions, you may be surprised by what you will learn.

  3. To show that love is real & great people do exist. They are around every corner! 

  4. AOK Soul Coach is about YOU! I will continue to post personal photos and stories, but this new channel will feature what is truly important, YOU :) 

  5. To give back to the community, to strangers, to family members and supporters. To gift the platform and space to be heard. 

  6. To expand AOK Soul Coach's reach by inviting souls from the whole world to participate. We are all one! 

  7. To create art by marrying the beauty of people & photography with loving words and awareness. 

  8. To show that you are not alone. This is your haven. We are your friends and supporters. There is a community of us always supporting you. 

  9. To speak your truth. 

  10. To raise the collective consciousness. 

  11. To remind ourselves that we are love & light and together, we shine the brightest. 

Are you local to the NYC/Fairfield, CT area??? If so, the first photo shoot will be on Monday, May 7 from 5-7 p.m. at LPQ in Harbor Point- Stamford, CT. *The project will open soon to welcome professional photo and soul question submissions, for those who do not live in the NYC area. :) Stay tuned to learn more! 

If you are interested, please email alexa@aoksoulcoach.com & I will provide further details. 


Do you want to be a part of this adventure?! Let's do this! 

I would LOVE for everyone and anyone to participate, the following is what will be asked of you:

  1.  Be YOU!!!

  2.  Answer a brief "soul questions" interview- which will feature questions such as "what does love mean to you?" "What are you grateful for?" "What do you believe the purpose of life is?" "Tell us a story about you, your life or any lessons that you have uncovered?"

  3.  A photo of you- HOWEVER, if you want to remain nameless and faceless, we can make that work! Shaina of Shaina Lee Photography is an amazingly talented photographer and I am honored to further showcase her artistic abilities. Shaina can take full portrait shots, but also photos of just eyes, back of head, tattoo, jewelry pieces, etc. If your wish is remain anonymous, we can make that work! 

  4. Let's have fun with this!!!

The photos/interview will take no more than 5-10 mins per person. This is not only a chance to tell others about your story, but also to connect and become more aware of ourselves and the world around us. 

Please don't be shy. You are uniquely talented, beautiful and are worthy of being showcased, in this way and many others! 

I am sending you an abundance of love and light. 

The investment for soul coaching sessions is $444 per month for (3) 45 minute sessions. The price to be in the Soul Stories series, is 100% free. Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to be involved in the Soul Stories series and/or a part of the AOK Soul Coach journey. My email is alexa@aoksoulcoach.com


Alexa Katherine O'Rourke 





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