Mindful Moments- How to connect with your intuition and achieve an "aha" moment!


Greetings Soulful Friend- 

I am sending you love, light and peace for a joyful week ahead! 

After speaking to many clients, fellow coaches, family, friends and other lovely souls; it has come to my attention that we are all in search of validation. What if we recognize that the most meaningful validation will always, always come from within?! We all have the ability to tap into our higher-self, to use intuition and spiritual guidance to make the best decisions for ourselves... every single day. 

I know, I know. This is easier said then done, but trust me... it can be done!!! That is the key here. We can teach ourselves to be our own biggest-supporter. 

This week it is all about how to follow our intuition, our "validating" voice, the higher self or whatever word you would like to use to describe your infinite being! First, I will share a major "aha" moment I experienced to paint the picture of energy, positive vibes and tapping into our intuition.

"I am a spiritual teacher!"


It truly feels amazing to commit that to writing in this space. I have pages of journal entries with "I am a spiritual teacher" written, circled, starred and underlined. This is an excerpt of a journal entry that I wrote this week:

"I am a spiritual teacher. I am a spiritual guide. My heart SINGS as I write this - it's the true song of my heart. By shifting this language from coach to "spiritual teacher and spiritual guide" - this allows for me to be the very best guide that I can be for other souls. This allows me to carry out my purpose while feeling and knowing that I am on the right path."

I know this because I can FEEL it. My energy picked up so much as I was writing that excerpt, showing me that my soul is SUPER excited by this realization too. I am not shifting what it is that I do, but I am shifting how I articulate what it is that I do.

A Simple Shift = Tremendous Growth

I now recognize that AOK Soul Coach is my business, but I am my business. The business IS me. So my intuition lead me to let go of hiding behind a business title, to let go of putting out "AOK Soul Coach's" values and mission and not "Alexa's", to let go of creating a barrier to hide behind if I was judged or misunderstood or whatever my fear based mind thought about at the time. 

It is now time for Alexa, "spiritual guide/teacher and owner of AOK Soul Coach" to step 100% in front and own it! 


Are you looking for validation outside of yourself? Are you seeking clarity on the new path you are upon? Are you feeling like now is the time to awaken your internal knowing? Let's take the next few seconds to truly feel this. 

As we now know, true validation can only come from within. So let's do some soul diving, to speak with your higher self, about what it is that you are thinking about right now! 

1. S P A C E - We need space. We need quiet time, alone time, thoughtful reflection in order to truly come to any realization. Create space by meditating, journaling, spending time walking in nature or listening to calming and relaxing music. 

2. Ask Yourself DEEP Questions- "What am I feeling right now?" "What am I looking to achieve?" "What is the next step that will take me from where I am right now, to where I want to be?" 

There are literally countless open ended questions that we can ask ourselves, please feel free to ask me for some inspiration! I am more than happy to send you some soulful questions that will allow you to uncover more about yourself! My email is alexa@aoksoulcoach.com 

3. Write It Out - Write down the questions you have asked yourself and then, begin to free write your response. Try not to think too much about it, just see what the pen is guided to reveal to you. 

4. Become Aware Of Energy- Before you tune into energy as it relates to emotions and feelings, let's do a mini experiment:

Think of a time when you may have eaten too much, such as over a holiday like Thanksgiving. After eating you are stuffed, you can't move and your energy is low. Feel what it feels like to be in that body. 

Now, think of a time that you committed to do something physically active. You knew your body had to be prepared to run that road race, so you fueled it with the right foods, water and positive talk. You are now ready to RACE down the finish line.

Okay, so just like we can apply the feeling of energy in our bodies from food. We can apply this to thoughts,  feelings and emotions! Just as we experience a lower vibration in your body via food, you can feel a lower vibration thought too! 

My thought "I am a spiritual guide!" is HIGH vibrating. I know this because I was super excited to finish writing the sentence, I am eager to explain and say it to others and I feel GOOD about it. All of this and more = high vibrating thoughts and feelings! 

5. Talk To Someone Whom You Trust - Ask them to be a soundboard for you. Talk out your business plan, ideal wants/values of your future partner, the exact home you are looking to purchase, etc. This will allow you to see how clearly you are articulating your values, needs and feelings out into the universe. 

6. Look For Signs - Literally- look for signs! There are signs all around us, all the time. Put a note on your calendar or computer. Once you have sent a thought out into the universe, ask for it to be validated through other signs and messages.

"Please show me validation that I am on the right path by x,y,z." 

As an example, I LOVE to see number sequences. A whole other blog post will be covered on this, but numerical sequences are divine gifts, really & truly! They carry messages and meanings and they can be connected to you and your world.

Maybe numbers aren't you thing, but you are connected to colors and/or animals. Animals and colors can also be interpreted  as divine messages, making them an amazing tool and for further guidance and validation. (since you are the one asking for the validation, the external validation is actually coming from WITHIN you- HA! :) ) 


7. Keep An Open Mind- Be mindful that the universe has greater plans for you. The message and/or sign may not come right away or it may not come at all. There is a message within the message if the sign doesn't come... it means it is not meant for you. What is meant for you, will ALWAYS find you. Always. 

8. Invest in a Life Coach- A life coach will truly help you become more in-tune with your intuition. The practice of life coaching consists of everything listed and more. A life coach will help you open awareness within yourself, which will allow for you to live a more conscious life, every day! 

Stay open, keep flowing and bring those positive - high vibrating thoughts to top of mind! Gift yourself the space and time to play with this. Have fun- this and anything else in this life, is not to be taken too seriously! Laugh, laugh, laugh. :)

Where you are right now and whatever you are doing is absolutely perfect in this moment, if it wasn't.... you would simply not be doing it. 

Please feel free to send me a love note at alexa@aoksoulcoach.com or give me a call at 203-554-1324 to schedule your complimentary soul coaching call! I truly look forward to guiding you towards your dreams. The life that you want to live, is absolutely possible. 

***A friendly reminder- the Soul Stories photo shoot will take place on Monday, May 7th from 5 - 7 p.m. at Le Pain Quotidien- Stamford,CT. Please email, call or reach out to me via social media @aoksoulcoach for more information! We look forward to seeing you there.***

Sending you love, light and all things bright!!! 

Alexa Katherine