Mindful Moments - How to be unapologetically YOU!


Hello Soulful Being :)

You are love and light, always. 

We are all born to this life for a specific purpose. We each bring a unique quality or qualities to this Earthly plane - during this time - right now. 

It is easy to get caught up in judgement, it is easy to look at ourselves & others and think; "this is what they should be doing." or "this is what I should have done - or should do". 

When we use the word "should", it automatically sets our minds up to judge. We judge ourselves for not being where we think we are "supposed to be". We judge others for not leading a life that we feel they "should" be leading. 

Ultimately, the judgments that we pass on to others are actually judgments we have within us. It is all connected to our own stuff, our own insecurities, our own fears... but that's a blog post for a whole other day! :) 

For now, there is no supposed to be, there just is! 

Can you feel your heart guiding you away from something that no longer serves you?

Develop a sense of independence and strength by following what is truly in your heart. This can mean a million things, but here are some examples: Maybe you are feeling a change in career? Maybe a hobby has turned into your life's passion? Maybe you want to adopt a life-style change that society has debate over? Maybe a practice that serves you no longer does, like drinking alcohol or wild bar nights out? It can be a million of things, so sit quietly and gently ask yourself what is personal to you. 

Take a walk through these steps, which will allow you to embrace your own heart and step into the world unapologetically, as YOU! 

1. Accept that where you are is EXACTLY where you are meant to be.

Especially in times of challenge, recognize that there is always a greater purpose. The key is to find it. 

All is unfolding in divine time. 

2. Let go of other people's opinions and/or projections. 

Don't allow the outside world to sway your heart - because in reality the people judging you are in need of the most love themselves.

Send them love and light and move on with your day! 

3. Spend time alone.

Reflect, journal, connect with yourself. Talk to yourself, take yourself out on a date. Sit at the coffee shop alone, go to a movie solo or just sit in the middle of a park and watch the comings and goings of the day.

Get to know YOU. 

4. Start your day off by re-affirming who you want to show up as. 

Try wearing something different - something brighter - something with patterns - something that expresses the story in your heart. 

Re-affirm to yourself, "Today, I am following my heart." 

It is always a little frightening to change things up... all the more reason to try it! Let's get comfortable with change, it is life. 

5. When fear creeps in, recognize that the voice of fear is NOT you.

That fear voice is learned behavior- absorbed from societal fears, your parents projections or stemming from fears of your peers or your old self. All of these elements created your ego/fear based-mind. See it. See it, just as you would a separate person who has a scared soul. 

Repeat, "This thought no longer serves me, thank you." 

Release and let it go. 


6. Get comfortable. I mean REALLY comfortable being "the different one". Get comfortable not following the crowd. Get comfortable being the odd one out.

In theory, you are never the odd one out... it just may be that the group you surround yourself with does not have the same views. That is A-OK. Again, this is life.

Embrace the differences. Know that you are loved and there are other beings in your soul family out there. You will be connected with them soon, if not already!  

Use this as an opportunity to plant seeds. Sprinkle them all around.  

Follow the wisdom in your own heart & detach from outside approval. 

7. Practice patience. If it doesn't already, your story will all make sense one day!

TRUST. What is meant to be for you, will find you. For certain. 

8. Laugh.

Laugh through the confusion, the external judgments, the internal ones.

Laugh through it all. It is all good. Always.

9. Create healthy boundaries. 

Truly, send love and light to those who challenge you. Recognize how your paths differ.

There is nothing bad here, this is the way of life. People change, grow and move - just as nature does. Flow with it. 

10. Live your life for YOU! 

Live every moment to the fullest. Live every moment being you, doing what feels good in your own heart.

Check in with yourself and ask, "what would I do if I truly loved myself?"

The answer to that question will not lead you astray. :)

I am sending you an abundance of love and light this week. There is no one on this planet that has the unique skills, traits and values that YOU do. There is no time to delay, be the YOU that is in your heart. Step out on your path and just go with it. It all doesn't need to be figured out today.

One step a time from the heart space is all it takes. 

What is your one step? 

It is my true passion to talk, listen and hear from lovely souls about their life dream!  It is my passion to help guide you through the ups and downs of daily life. It is my passion to help YOU play the song that's in your heart. You are entitled to a complimentary introduction soul coaching session, please send me an email to schedule your time. The monthly investment for soul coaching is $444 for (3) 45 min sessions. 

My email is alexa@aoksoulcoach.com and I do look forward to connecting with you, 

Sending you light on your travels,
