Soul Stories with Deborah Ann- What is My Life's Purpose?


What is your life's purpose? 

"To leave a mark in life for the benefit of others. I like to make others happy and I am happy, when I can do that." 

If you can spread any message, what would it be? 

"No matter what you do, always give it your best shot. Never settle for less than the best you can do. You only hurt your own self-worth if you do. Never give up. It is never too late to change."

What is your happiest memory? 

"Oh my gosh! There are so many happy memories, but I would have to say when my children were born." 

Words that Describe Deborah:

Independent, Caring, Loving, Feisty, Impulsive, Daring, Loyal, Sensitive, Protective

Deborah is a beautiful soul, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for many years. We both have a deep love for the great state of Vermont, where Deborah will be retiring in just a few short months! This is her dream and aspiration, so let's send her good thoughts and vibes that she will meet this part of her journey- REALLY soon! <3

Deborah and her husband have been building their dream home on an expansive piece of land in the Green Mountain State. The walls of their home are filled with pieces of her and her husband's soul, their overall relationship and their family values. They treasure the solitude and connection they experience while up in their cabin home in the mountains. 

She is kind, caring and comical! I asked her to list some words that describe herself and I laughed out loud when I read the word "feisty". I immediately thought of a peaceful warrior and how she is protective of herself, her family and overall, exhibits healthy boundaries. What an amazing quality! When I think of Deborah, I immediately hear her contagious laugh, feel her kindness and caring heart. 

Her soul has forever impacted her beloved mother, her son and daughter, her grandchildren, her husband and the school district that she served for many, many years. 

Deborah's story is a bright light within many stories that speak about the importance of family connection, happiness and self-worth. 


The Soul Stories series encourages us to ask ourselves these same questions! 

Sit with a pen and paper and journal it out. Discover more about yourself. Get connected with your emotions, your self-expression. 

The purpose behind Soul Stories is about YOU taking a soulful swim within; by asking these questions to yourself, your family and your community.

Deep questioning is an aspect of soul coaching - to ask the questions that you have never asked yourself before. To spend mindful time feeling your responses, rather then thinking with your intellect. Ask these questions of your heart. 

Explore them and learn to truly know and FEEL what lights you up! Write the question at the top of a piece of paper or in your journal. Then, begin to see how your are being guided to respond.  

Allow yourself to feel that feeling of joy and flow - you emit positive energy when you are in a state of gratitude and higher awareness and as we know, like attracts like! So this means feelings of gratitude and being mindful of your own self awareness, will send out the ripple of gratitude, love and appreciation into the universe and that will ALWAYS come back around to you. Karma baby! 

Once you get acquainted with these questions yourself, ask them to those around you. Inspire others. Show other souls how to do the soulful work to deep dive within to explore their personal answers. 

The more we ask these questions to ourselves and those around us, the greater we are as a collective group - As One. 

When we recognize that although we may look different, have individual clothing styles, practice various religions, hold differing jobs, skin colors, body type ... the list goes on - at our core, we are all the same. We are all looking for love. We start by recognizing that love is found within. 

So let's teach each other this. 

Let's ask these questions to our family members, friends, co-workers, our children. We ask these questions to further our understanding, to let go of judgments that we may carry and take our awareness to the next level. 

Ask to hear their responses with your heart, not so much your ears. Ask to feel what they are saying, not give your opinion or personal feedback.


Ask from a pure state of wonder and curiosity. 

Ask these questions to strangers. Is there really such a concept? Can anyone truly be a "stranger"? Have a deeper conversation. There are billions of people in the world right now and you just-so-happen to be next to this one person in line or on a call for an hour with a help desk technician? Coincidence.... SO much more! 

Use this as an opportunity to discover the good people out there!

The good people, like Deborah, who when asked what brings her the most joy- she responded with "making others feel happy", other people like YOU! 

This my friends, is a true gift. What more can we ask for as human beings than to extend a helping hand to those in need? What could be more important than serving others? 

Let go of what fear based tactics that the news fills us with. Let go of societal fear. Let go of judgments. Let go of the unknown. Make the unknown your friend. 

Let's create our own reality. Spread the message of love. Embrace one another. Find the soulful beings that are the helpers, the lovers, the caretakers. They exist around every corner, in every day. They exist, just like Deborah does. 

Read and absorb these stories and then share your experiences with us. Please share a discovery that you found while asking these questions to yourself or others. This is soulful homework, this is something that we did not get taught in school. This is getting more familiar with our thoughts, our feeling and emotions. This is power. 

I am sending love and light to you Deborah and every other soul apart of this journey. We are all here together. We are all walking each other home. We are all here to serve one another. 

"I like to make others happy and I am happy, when I can do that." - Deborah Abbott

Go out and shine your light this week. You are a star that will NEVER be dimmed. 

With love, 

Alexa O'Rourke <3

 Does this interest you? If so, you are on the path to discover more about soul coaching and partnering with me. Please feel free to send me an email at or call me at 203-554-1324, for a complimentary consultation call. Soul Coaching is a mix of deep questioning, mindfulness, meditation, self-care techniques, personalized practices and more! The investment for soul coaching is $444 per month. 


p.p.s. Please send me an email if you would like to be featured in the Soul Stories series. I am accepting professional photographs and soulful questioning responses so that YOU can be featured in the series. Spread love!