Soul Stories with Carrie Brady - "The possibilities are infinite"


What do you feel inclined to share with the world? 

"If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish in wealth & power, but in the passionate sense of potential, in the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating, as possibility!" - Soren Kierkgaard 

What makes you the amazingly beautiful soul that you are? 

"I think like a horse and I see the possibilities in everybody."- Carrie Brady 

What are some words that describe you? 

Loving, Optimistic, Enthusiastic 

The possibilities are infinite. This mantra circles around the lovely, nurturing and resilient- Carrie Brady.

Carrie is this week's soul story feature and oh my goodness, we are in for a treat! Carrie is the owner and lead horsewoman of Possibilities Farm in Wilton, CT. Possibilities Farm is a haven to Carrie, Paddington, Sweet Potato, Mere and every other being that is blessed to spend time in this sacred place. 

Paddington is the cutest miniature horse, perfectly titled "Director of Laughter and Joy", followed by the beautiful all white Mere, titled "Vice President of Wisdom and Wonder" and finally, protector Sweet Potato titled "CEO - Chief Equine Officer"!  Each one of these amazing beings can (and might!) be featured on their own Soul Stories post, as each of their backgrounds is unique, transformative and thought provoking. For instance, Paddington was the 39th miniature horse that Carrie met at a rescue, before taking him home to Possibilities Farm. The Director of Laughter and Joy is now training and carrying out his life's purpose as a healing & therapy horse. This is some pretty amazing stuff!!! 

May we take a moment to send Carrie, Mere, Paddington & Sweet Potato our love, light, encouragement and positive energy! 

As a spiritual symbol, a horse represents freedom, intuition, power & resilience. Carrie teaches us "horse wisdom"- the act of living  through the lens of these beautiful beings. To graze. To shift. To be. To breathe.  The Possibilities Farm core belief is partnering with horses to bring out the best in humans." 

Carrie has created a beautiful haven and not only created a oasis for the beloved horses, but for each soul that finds their way to the farm. It is quite a magical experience to say the least!

Let's talk a walk- in our minds- to experience the farm, without actually being there! 

Visualize This- You are on the farm, with the full moon up above while meditating in the presence of these special horses. These beings can sense your energy, vibrations,  feelings and intentions... purely. While in meditation, the horses perform a ritual around you and while you are not 100% sure what is going on, there is no question that something beautiful & transformative is taking place. You open your eyes to feel a subtle, but present shift. To laugh about the magical experience that just took place. To appreciate the horses and their purpose. It is unlike anything else. 

This is what time at Possibilites Farm feels like. It is unique and powerful for each soulful being that finds their way to the circle. 


Carrie created this space. Carrie manifested this. Carrie dreamt about this and she made it happen to help people like YOU!  

Carrie teaches us to see life through the eyes of a horse. To recognize that it is more than okay to explore new things. To remind us that we can train ourselves to shift out of something that no longer serves us, just as the horses do.

To take a closer look at our feet & see how we are grounded and rooted down into the soil - just as the horses do. 

She teaches us to recognize that we have infinite possibilities - that we have the free will to decide if want to change, adapt or shift our lead... just as the horses do. 

A common practice among the horses is to return to graze = delight= living in the light for humans!!! Carrie teaches us that again and again, we can come back to graze, connect with our infinite being and be the light. 

During our soulful gathering Carrie was asked to define the purpose of life, to which she responded "to love and share your gifts." She truly lives by her definition, as she dedicates her heart and soul to showing us how to incorporate joy into our daily lives. Carrie teaches us the joyful way to be through her experience, connection and relationship with her horse family. 

The manifestor behind Possibilities Farm truly uses horse wisdom to transform the lives around her, whether she is practicing reiki, bringing Paddington to the local pizza place, hosting a full moon meditation circle among the horses or simply- cleaning up the farm on a spring day- we know she is carrying out her soul's purpose. 



What is your definition of the word soul?

"The part of you that is infinite and eternal"- Carrie Brady 


What is love? 

"The purpose of life."- Carrie Brady 


What is the purpose of this life? 

"To love and share your gifts." - Carrie Brady


May we all send love and light to one another for an amazing week ahead! May you find your joyful moments, may you tap into your limitless potential, may you dream and breathe POSSIBILITY! 

To learn more about Carrie and Possibilities Farm, visit the website here: 


Alexa Katherine 

p.s Are you interested in being featured on the Soul Stories series? If so, please feel free to connect with me. I am now taking submissions to be a part of this fun project. This will give you a chance to answer soulful questions, speak about your life's purpose (possibly discover it!) and share your unique messages and experiences with the world. We need YOU! 

p.p.s my email is and my phone number is 203-554-1324. I SO look forward to hearing from you. :)


Be The Light