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Abundance Coach & Motherhood Mentor


Mama, are you ready to live the life of your wildest dreams?!


The Abundant Moms


A VIBRANT community for moms.

Say “Goodbye!” to the Mom Guilt, the anxiety and all the societal “norms” that are so not your vibe.

Say “hello!” to gaining timeless wisdom from Doctors, Teachers, Coaches & Healers (who are also Mothers & Grandmothers, of course ;)


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Hi Mama, I am Alexa!

I’m an Abundance Coach & Motherhood Mentor. I know you are on a mission to make ripples in the world with your work - both inside and outside of Mothering.

I know you are a visionary that is passionate about using your gifts to better your clients’ lives and ultimately, the world. I know you want to do all of this and still make it to the pick-up line on time, attend every recital and cheer at every game.

I know you are carving a new path in Motherhood - one where you are not a corporate working machine, but 100% stay at home Mom is also not for you.

I know you are a powerhouse, that is reclaiming your identity and finding yourself again through birthing and all things stemming from Motherhood.

It is not only possible for you to claim & live this life, it is apart of your DNA code to make it so!

Alexa’s presence and gentle inquiry allowed me to work through some difficult issues, as well as illuminate my greatest strengths. My energy and focus has shifted to a more meaningful direction - with Alexa’s guidance. I am heading toward my True North.
— D.V., Connecticut

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